Hi all! So I have been searching Pinterest high and low and looking for an organizer type holder that would hold my most frequently used items: my iPad, day planner, and moleskin notebook. I couldn't find anything. Surprised? Yeah me either. I mean on a daily if you carry these things they aren't needed all at once. Well I am a student, and when I need them it's for class, all at once. Up until now I haven't used my iPad much for school, but I've had many instances where I thought it would have been handy to have it with me.
So now going into my 2nd semester I'm wanting to get a little better prepared. Which means carrying more crap with me, and I want to keep this stuff together. Sooooooo......
Ok I was blessed with a bunch of fabric samples from school ( thanks Jan) so I used what I had on hand and drew it out first. Nothing fancy just a few boxes. Then I cut and put it together as I went. No I didn't take as I went photos. Why? Because I really didn't think it was going to look decent.
So here are photos of the finished product. Once it was done I realized a few things I should have added. 1) handles, I wish I would have added a handle on each side just to be a pick up and pull out of a bag help. 2) a closure. Im not a big fan of buttons or straps to close. But I may redesign this later with a top zipper added. Oh and I'm horrible at adding the stretchy bits to hold in the iPad so it does look funky. But there it is.
Thanks for visiting! If I do remake this I will do a full tutorial. Don't hold your breath class starts next week and I'm taking 18 credit hours. No time for sewing until summer 😝