Sunday, February 2, 2014

Simple wine glass holder

This is my shelf in the kitchen, it has been everywhere from my mothers living room, to my living room and now it's gracing the wall of my kitchen. I love it. My Uncle Roger made it for my mom years ago. I don't know the story of "why" he made it, all I know is that it's been around as long as I can remember, I can even still remember a few of the trinkets mom used to display on it. It was a dark walnut color until we moved here a few months ago. I knew I wanted this rustic beat up style, I love it. (I've had comments about how crazy I am to like this style, it's ok everyone's entitled to their opinion). 

So anyway, I'm not a huge drinker, but if you looked at my kitchen you'd think I'm a daily wino. Nope sorry can't afford daily drinking. Not sure if I'd want to drink that often anyway. So anyway to get this story a little further in.... 

I've got a lot of wine glasses, not sure why. But I thought why not display them? They are pretty after all. Besides I needed something else to collect dust, as if I don't have enough already. 

So with the ever amazing talents of my husband and his wonderfully helpful father, I suggested we do this to the shelf, & Eric and his dad came up with exactly what I had envisioned. They really are that awesome! So anyway, without further ado, check out the shelf and the glass holders. They are shorter on the inner sides so that I can just slide in the glasses and have no fears about them shaking out when the little elephants are running around the house. (And by little elephants I mean Wes and his buddy who like to run up and down the stairs behind this shelf as much  as they can on nice days :) )

Please over look the decorations, this is not how it will end up styled, this is just the hodge pudge of what's left over and is trying to figure out if it's staying or going. Plus Eric suggested we find a cool wine bottle holder to go right there in the middle space, I agree it would probably be a cool place to display such things.
  Thanks for stopping by! 

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