I know there is a link somewhere for this on my Pinterest page, and if I can get time I will find it and put it on here, but for now, for the sake of getting this done....
Edit: The Original I have pinned
I saw this on Pinterest and thought that with baseball season coming up this would be a super cute project, and it totally is!
All I did was take an old beat up baseball, and cut around the stitching with an exacto knife.
then I peeled that piece off and found where the stitches started, I folded it in half and cut it into 2 pieces.
then I cut and unraveled the string from the leather, I recommend you do this like 5 stitches at a time until the strings are long enough to tie. I then did a really basic square knot on one side so that the strings will slide and then glued a piece of felt to the back to "finish" it off.
Only took an hour, it was easy and look me and Wes have matching baseball bracelets =)
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