Friday, April 26, 2013

Quilting Inspiration

We are in the middle of trying to sell our house and I am in between jobs, and there is only so much packing you can do before you are "done until you actually move" and once most all of your extra stuff is packed away and there really isn't a lot of clutter because all the pretty clutter is packed away, well the cleaning gets really easy after that and takes a lot less time to tidy up now. and I am running out of things to keep myself busy. I have 1 crochet granny stripe blanket I am working on and another cable knit blanket I am working on, but I've gotten to the point in both of those where I think I am getting carpel tunnel from the weight and cant work on them long before my wrists starts to seize up and cry when I drag them out for more than 15 minutes at a time. Wow this is a rambling post isnt it? lol Sad too considering I am not even 40 yet and already have knitting and crochet woes.

So anyway I started a hex quilt a while back, I've got my little travel box of material, and work on it a little at a time ( See below for pics ) . So I spend a lot of time on pinterest and flickr groups looking for inspiration and I found a blog tutorial on how to make really easy hexs that are quilt as you go and join and done..... SO now that I found this sure easy way to do it, I've now told the hubby that he gets to drag out my sewing stuff from the storage room cause I want to start on one ASAP. I even plan on going to wally world and hoping that they have a hex ruler for me to use as a template. I will post pics as I get this done. but until then I wanted to post a link to the tutorial and to a few other sites that are awesome for quilts =)

Sew and Flip hex's at Jaybird Quilts Blog for pretty flower quilt above

My travel box =)

I made this little quilted style wrist pin cushion for traveling, makes it so much easier to not lose needles while cutting threads and switching between hexs!

So far this is all I have, I think I am going to make a pillow out of them since I found an easier way to make a quilt =) PS a lot of my fabric is recycled. If I go to the thrift store and they have a special going on I will look at womens dresses and mens dress shirts, lots of fabric for little money =)

These are the card stock paper pieces I use, I think I bought them on ebay. but they are affordable and she shipped them super fast so I highly recomend her if you can find her online =)

My stack of WIP =) 

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