Friday, April 19, 2013

My Nails

Sometimes I get inspired to do my nails, usually this happens when
a) I get bored
b) I am too cheap to go get them filled
c) I think I can wait just 1 more week then go get them filled
d) I'm too busy to go during the day but feel my nails need painted at 7 pm thereby requiring me to spend the next 5 hours messing with my nails and ignoring the rest of the household (I get that way so sue me)
e) all of the above =)

So instead of a post each time I do my nails I will just post all the pics at once. like this week I went and got a new set of nails put on so it'll be a while ( 2 weeks tops) before I feel like messing with them again lol.

Yep inspiration only I follow a bunch of nail blogs there are a bunch on just search for nail art =)

That's my umbrella for anyone that wants to think weird thoughts about what i am holding =)
Pink and made my own dotting tool by taking a sewing pin and pushing it into a wine cork. perfect dotting tool and free out of stuff I already had at home =)

Again used my home made dotting tool made 5 little dots then used a pointy end of my nail file and dragged little lines through the dots. I thought this was super cute =)

Hated this it stayed on less than a day. I bought the little hexagons on eBay  I've seen really cute manicures done like this, too bad I wasn't able to do mine cute. blech gross looking!

Stamper aka Konad stamper plates, just messing around, wasn't one of my favorite manicures

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