Friday, April 19, 2013

Crafting up a storm

Long story short, I have extra time right now in between looking for a job, trying to sell this house, find a new home closer to hubby's work, MAYBE going back to school, and basically living life. So I am making the absolute best of it, and crafting my heart out.

The bad thing about it is that most of my crafty wonderful stuff is packed up in boxes in the basement out of sight of prospective buyers. Decluttering and all that fun stuff.

I will give super huge credit to Marisa Lynch over at New Dress a Day I subscribed to her and get an email a day as inspiration, and finally tackled a few dresses. I will post those soon.

I can tell you I am probably a horrible blogger, I have a tendacy to do things all at once, like blogging. I might write 5 separate blogs in one day and post them later when I go on my phone to upload the photos. I will take any and all advice anyone wants to offer. After all I'm pretty much stumbling through blog land trying to figure out how best to do this. I read a lot, and I don't post comments much so I am more of a blog stalker I think. So if you read this great, if not.... yeah oh well. =)

k that's all for this one, the rest I hope will be photo intensive and fairly fun, maybe.

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